Middle East Sky Petroleum WLL is a petroleum Trading and Drilling Company specializes in the exploration, extraction, and trading of petroleum and petroleum products. We provide services in oil and gas exploration, drilling, production, and transportation, while also engaging in the trade o refined petroleum products, petroleum, and raw materials used in manufacturing. The oil and gas trading market is indeed vast and intricate, and it encompasses a wide array of products that serve different sectors of the global economy.
Team Members
Executive Director
The global enhanced oil recovery market size was estimated at USD 49,835.3 million in 2024 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 2.9% from 2025 to 2030. The enhanced oil recovery (EOR) market is primarily driven by the increasing global demand for oil and gas, particularly as conventional reserves dwindle. As mature oilfields, which account for approximately 70% of global production, face depletion, companies are increasingly focusing on EOR techniques to extend their lifespan and boost output.
Petroleum and Petroleum products are essential building blocks for a wide range of industries, including automotive, construction, textiles, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, electronics, and consumer goods.
Trading typically takes place on both physical and financial markets, with participants ranging from large multinational energy corporations to specialized trading firms, brokers, and government entities.
Today, petroleum industry is one of the largest in the world, with both basic chemicals (such as ethylene, propylene, and methanol) and specialty chemicals (like plastics, fertilizers, and synthetic rubbers) being produced in large quantities for global markets.
Petroleum trading often involves high volumes and requires significant capital for inventory management, payments, and covering operational costs. We adopt processes and interventions to overcome the inflation and crisis management through our commitments
Increase Production Efficiency and Cost Competitiveness
Achieve Sustainable and Environmentally Responsible Production
Strengthen Global Market Position and Expand Market Share
To be a global leader in the petroleum industry, pioneering innovative, sustainable, and high-quality chemical solutions that meet the world’s growing demand for essential products, while contributing to the economic and environmental development .
Our mission is to harness the region’s abundant hydrocarbon resources to produce value-added petroleum products that serve industries worldwide. We are committed to operational excellence, continuous innovation, and the sustainable use of resources.
Mr. Edwin is the owner of Alan construction in Kingdom of Bahrain and Staney construction in India. Our construction always strives to build sustainable buildings for the future based on a group of excellent human sources who have enduring passions and a spirit of challenge under the slogan of “Sincere Construction”. Our company has cultivated the capability of excellent construction and stabilized management with an effective system that has led to amazing outcomes in construction, civil, housing, infrastructure, and pipeline projects since foundation. Currently, established Middle East Sky Petroleum, which is the Drilling and Petroleum trading company, works as a Director who has significant responsibility for the day-to-day operations and strategic direction of the company.
Larson Pinto Lawrence is currently, Director of Middle East Sky Petroleum WLL, a Drilling and Petroleum trading company, established in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Mr.Larson is responsible for overseeing the entire operation of the company and his role is critical to ensure the achievement of business goals while maintaining high standards of safety, environmental compliance, and operational efficiency. He has 22 years of experience in oil and gas field.
Mr.Larson is also the Managing Director of HRL Groups in India and owner of Inba Fisheries Private Limited and Inba Dairy Farming. HRL Consultancy Services is a Company Established in the Year 2006 and is a Leading Workforce Recruitment Consultant with Global Perspective on Fulfilling Recruitment needs of both our clients and candidates at the right time. We at HRL Always maintain excellent support with our client and aim to be as Flexible as Possible to Accommodate busy schedules and short time frames in meeting their varying needs.
Executive Director
Dr. Vidhya Ramaswamy is an active Global Business Corporate Leader, Venturepreneur and early stage investor in Innovation and Social impact projects focusing in Smart Technologies, Medical Research, Hospitality, Education, IT , Energy and Environment and Wellness sectors. She is the Founder Chairwoman and CEO of MNCs, engaged in Tech Transfers, Commercial, Business, Statistical and Management Advisory, Project Consultancy and Business Process, Information Technology Products and Services, Education, Engineering, Data Processing, Healthcare, Media and Entertainment, Import and Export of Goods and Commodities, Communication and Technological, Social and other services enabling Good Business Outcomes. She also owns Prestigious Business Ventures in Dubai, Zambia and London, cross border advisory firms in Financial Management, offerings in deal structuring, capital raise, emerging market securities, wealth management and private investor products, along with businesses extending in IT, Oil and Petroleum, Education and Textile industry
Dr. Vidhya is an expert in connecting the best brains like Governments, Governmental Organisations/ Bodies and Institutions together for transforming real time problems and needs to unique and workable solutions in reaching out to fulfil the developmental goals and priorities of States /Countries. Her Negotiation skills and Leadership Capacity has adorned her to be with the world’s Most Impressive People like Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Bipop Gresta, Shery Sandberg and Several Renowned Nobel Laurettes, associating in Projects and Global Events. She is in the Fortune list of the Top Tier Roles of Director, Strategic Advisor, Mandate, Investor and C-Level Executive in Global consortiums and Corporate Companies in USA, UK, Switzerland, Germany, UAE, Middle East, Malaysia, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia, Mauritius, Maldives and Canada. She has won many Business Awards Internationally and been invited in Committees for Government and Corporate Bodies for Billion Dollar Worth Project Implementation
Dr.Vidhya is an Influential Orator, well versed in the Key Turn over “Knowledge Economy,” addressing and mentoring start-ups and young Entrepreneurs across the Globe in accelerating Innovations to foster Improved Quality of Human Life. Her journey to Business line, started after a decade of her accomplished activities in INCITE, a Charitable Organization, which transforms Human Lives with Enlightenment and Empowerment since 2007. The resources and origin of funds were great challenges and hence decided to be self-dependant in finding one’s own supplies and money by Business profits. Acclaimed as a unique Academician and a World Renowned Scientist, the Albert Einstein Award Winner holds three PhDs in her professional regime with more than thirty five Fellow and Educational recognitions, as a Feather on the Cap, a Business School Degree from Harvard. She has authored several books and reports in Business Growth and Analysiis. Dr.Vidhya’s portfolio makes her achievements and engagements unbelievably incredible and amazing, and a Role Model to many, which she proved with her unconditional commitment and thrive to serve Humanity with fullest of her credentials and capacity. A “Trio” in True terms, an Oncologist by Research and Molecular Biologist by Profession, a Philanthropist and a Social Reformer by Commitment and an Inspiring Global Business Woman. More than anything, “a Good Human Being with Values.”
“Reach out to us for any inquiries or support – we’re here to help!”
00973 6666 8448
0091 93841 89153
+91 83449 99961
Middle East Sky Petroleum W.L.L, Flat No. 1111, Building 1794, Road 2427, Block 324, Juffair, Kingdom of Bahrain.
“Reach out to us for any inquiries or support – we’re here to help!”
00973 6666 8448
0091 93841 89153
+91 83449 99961
Middle East Sky Petroleum W.L.L, Flat No. 1111, Building 1794, Road 2427, Block 324, Juffair, Kingdom of Bahrain.